

Spinning a basketball

Updated: 9/28/2023
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12y ago

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The world record for spinning a Basketball on one finger is 4 hours and 15 minutes. The REAL record which involves far more talent is the longest time spinning a basketball (basically on more than one finger) is by Bruce Creveir from South Dakota, which is 22 hours and 12 minutes.

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12y ago

you take it in your hand and use the momentum of (lets say you are right handed) and you spin it left it taks a lot of practice, but i learned ir when i was like 12,and i still know how to do it to this day. hope this helps =)

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12y ago

i think it is a little less then 24 hours

but I'm not shore

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The current world record for spinning a basketball on your finger by a child is 7 minutes and 17 seconds. This record was achieved by Christian Wedoy in Norway on October 27, 2021.

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The Guinness World Record for the longest time spinning a basketball on a finger is 22 minutes and 12 seconds, set by Thomas Connor in 2016.

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There are a few steps to spinning a basketball on your finger. The steps go like this:Holding the ballTwisting the ballSpinning the ballPointing your finger towards the skyPutting it all togetherFor more information and a video tutorial on how to spin a basketball on your finger, view the related link below.

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To spin = 'hilar, girar' Spinning (participle, gerund) = hilando, girando Spinning (noun) = hilanderia (accent on final 'i') Spinning (adjective) = hilador/a (masculine/feminine) Spinning (as in indoor cycling) = Spinning