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You will find the answers to all of those questions in this forum. However, for a lot of them there are no definite specific answers. This is the case with most sports, as they all have evolved and had rules put on them:

When Gaelic was firss made / When was Gaelic made: Gaelic Football is an ancient sport, going back hundreds of years. Like all ball sports, it has emerged and evolved. Games like soccer, Rugby, American Football, Australian Rules Football and Gaelic Football basically all evolved out of people kicking balls around and then slowly coming up with rules and starting new games. Even now, the rules of all of these sports continue to change. There are records of a form of Gaelic Football going back to 1670, but many catch and kick ball games go much further back than that, so it is not possible to put a specific date on it.

Who was the first person to play Gaelic: As the specific origins are impossible to be sure of, that is not specifically recorded.

Where was it first made: Again that is impossible to say. The game in 1670 was held in county Meath, but as I said, many games preceded that.

Who made it. Again that is impossible to say, as it has evolved over hundreds of years. However, the most significant event in relation to Gaelic Football was that in 1884 the Gaelic Athletic Association, known as the GAA, was founded. It is still the governing body of Gaelic Football and Hurling along with some other sports now, but Gaelic Football was in existence long before 1884. The GAA just put more structures in place to promote the game and throughout the last 125 years it has governed the game and helped it. They started specific competitions and have overseen the rules of the game. The game as played in 1884 and as played now has changed as new rules are added, changed or removed by the GAA, as is the case for all governing bodies of sports. Every year the GAA has an annual conference and there are always rule changes requested and some of these happen.

I know all of these answers are very vague, but it is true of all sports. Events like the founding of a governing body, like the GAA, and the first competitions are easy to trace for any sport, but the true origins of all sports go further back than that. This is specifically true for ball games. People kicking balls or even stones along the ground thousands of years ago could all be argued to be the beginnings of the many forms of football that we have in the world today. People hitting a ball or stone with a stick thousands of years ago could be argued to be the beginnings of games like Golf, Baseball, Hurling, Cricket, Hockey etc. People have played these kinds of sports for thousands of years and slowly over time added rules leading them to become the games we are familiar with today.

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Q: Some of us here in Ireland would like to know When Gaelic was firss made. Who was the first person to play Gaelic. Where was it first made. Who made it. When was Gaelic made?
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