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No, not only is that rude and strange, it's illegal to "capture" people.

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Q: Should you capture a cheerleader and give her wedgies all night?
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Your a boy who wants to be a girl for Halloween what costume should you choose?

A cheerleader. Cute, girly, and you don't have to wear heels all night.

What makes a cheerleader a cheerleader?

It is determination. You cant just whip it out and automatically be good. It takes practice and lots. As a cheerleader myself, I didn't just be the perfect cheerleader over night it took a lot of hard work and time.

What actors and actresses appeared in Capture the Night - 2013?

The cast of Capture the Night - 2013 includes: Niko Dresel Katja Jaskari Mirja Oksanen

What happens when the president is unpopular?

he gets wedgies and gets stuffed in a locker. he cries himself to sleep at night and has no friends. hes probably ugly too.

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No. It should be "She sprinted to her bed at night, lest those horrible, invisible ghosts capture her"

What movie and television projects has Ravin Alexander been in?

Ravin Alexander has: Played Chelsea in "Dark Light" in 2006. Played Cheerleader in "Friday Night Lights" in 2006. Played Christina in "Friday Night Lights" in 2006. Played Crying Cheerleader in "Friday Night Lights" in 2006. Played Emily in "Quinceanera Crashers" in 2009.

What would go with rub a dub dub your cheerleader needs a scrub?

cause she stayed out all last night at the club!!

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Ultra Balls, (If it's night then Dusk Balls,) and since it's a Water type, Net Balls

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Ive done it before and i used Dark Balls to capture him... Note: The cave is always at night (Dont know Why..) So the answer would be No...

Why do humboldt squid are capture during night time?

because there special...NO LIE

Where can you capture a Ghastly that knows mean look in heartgold?

you can get 1 in night in the towers.level it up.