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YES!!! Kids need to learn how important proper equipment is and how you can get injured without it!!! PLUS, girls should play their own games, too! With adult supervision, tacle fotball is FINE

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13y ago
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13y ago

YES. Football is a fun and profitable sport. It brings in alot of money to the schools, and also is entertaining to watch wether the team is terrible or not.

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Q: Should kids be allowed to play tackle football at school?
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Why shouldn't kids play tackle football in school?

they should

Is pancaking legal in high school football?

pancaking is legal in all football that is tackle football.

Should kids be able to play tackle football in school?

There isn't really an answer answer because its more of an opinion. I don't really see that big a problem from maybe 10 and up but I don't think that a 7year old should be playing tackle football

In high school football about how big is a defensive tackle?

about 250

Should kids play tackle football?


Are you allowed hands on a player's back in Gaelic football?

You cannot push a player in the back. The standard form of tackle is the shoulder to shoulder tackle.

Can you trip a football player in a high school game?

Only if it serves as a tackle.

Can you tackle players that don't have the ball in High School Football?

You can block them, but you cannot tackle them. If you grab a player who does not have the ball you will be penalized for Holding.

How many players are allowed to tackle the person with the ball on the opposite team in football?

There are no limits as on how many players are allowed to tackle the person with the ball. As many people as are needed may help to tackle the ballcarrier. The referee will blow the whistle when the ballcarrier is considered to be "down." After the whistle blows, no other player may get in on the tackle.

What side of the football does a tackle?

A football does not tackle at all, the teams tackle.

Does 5th grade ymca tackle football keep score?

Yes they should.

What is a nickname for football?

Football,Tackle football,and Gridion