Alexander Hamilton believed the central government should have strong powers and the individual states should only have power over local matters.
Yes, there is. Go on Google images and type in "Lewis Hamilton and Anthony Hamiltion" and if you scroll down you should find one.
according to hamilton , what is the difference between an implied and an expressed power
First you must defeat him at the game corner and silph co then you must get 7 badges now Giovanni should be at the gym., search Alexander Hamilton, click on the first result. This should be the site that corresponds to a documentary on Hamilton's life. You will find a very lengthy but excellent timeline there.
The British
Jamie Johnson
Alexander Hamilton opposed the idea
he thought that wealth and well educated people should lead the nation.
The song "You Should Have Seen It in Color" is performed by American country singer Jamey Johnson. It was released in 2008 on his album "That Lonesome Song."
Dennis Quiad
Hamilton was a Federalist- he believed the power should be concentrated in the federal government, not in the individual states. (Jefferson strongly disagreed.)