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it's a unearned run and the error would go to the pitcher if it's a wild pitch or the catcher if it's a past ball.

This isn't necessarily true. The official scorekeeper will then see how the rest of the inning plays out. If the hitter ends up getting a single then is still charged as an earned run. If there were 0 outs to start, then the 3rd hitter up could get a hit that would have driven the run in and it's still an earned run, else it's unearned.

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Q: Runner on third scores on a passed ball is the run earned or unearned?
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If a player is hit by the pitch and later scores is the run earned or unearned?

Depends on what happened in the inning prior to and after the batter is hit. Assuming that no errors or passed balls occur, the run will be scored an earned run. If the inning is extended by an error, or the runner scores because of an error or passed ball, the run would be unearned.

A batter gets a hit and later scores on a fielders choice is the run earned or unearned?

Earned. Unearned runs only apply to cases where an error allows a runner to score where they otherwise would not have.

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Does a runner score from third base if bases are loaded and there is a catcher interference call?

If the batter who reached by via catcher's interference scores, his run would be unearned, however, it cannot be determined if any runner on base scored due to catcher's interference is earned or unearned until the inning is played out and recreated without the interference or any error that may have occurred.

Is it an earned run if a runner scores when they advanced as a result of a fielding error?

No, a runner will not earn a run if scored off an error.

Does fielding errors count against pitchers earned run average?

No...a fielding error that allows the runner to get on base and that runner scores is not an earned run and does not count against earned run average.

What are two ways to get an earned run?

Earned runs are any runs scored without an error being committed to let them cross the plate, or , get on base in the first place and before three outs would have occurred had there not been any errors. It may be easier to say that an unearned run is one that would not have scored except for errors and then say an earned run is one that is not unearned.

If a walk is not counted as an at bat even though a rbi may be awarded is it counted as an earned run in figuring a pitchers era if that runner scores?

Yes because it was that pitcher's fault for letting him get on base in the 1st place. Yes, runs that score because of walks are still earned. Errors are the only things that factor into whether runs are earned or unearned.

Is it a earned run if a batter swings and misses a wild pitch on a third strike and he later scores?

If the batter reaches base as the result of a Wild Pitch, and he later scores, it would be an Earned Run. However, if he reaches base as the result of a Passed Ball, and he later scores, it would be an Unearned Run.

Does base on balls count as a earned run?

Under most circumstances, this would be an earned run, provided he eventually scores. However, there are a few cases where it would not be an earned run. One example would be if the inning is extended by an error, no runs scored after that error are earned.

Is the run unearned if a base runner scores on an error?

Depends. Say the guy is on 2nd, and the batter hits a single to the left fielder. The left fielder bobbles the ball, and the guy scores from 2nd base while the batter makes it to 2nd on the bobble. If the official scorer thinks that had the bobble not been made that the original baserunner would not have scored, then the run is unearned. However, if he thinks that the guy would have scored anyway, even without the error, then it is earned. Basically, a run is unearned if, in the opinion of the official scorer, it would not have been scored had the play been made cleanly.