Roberto Clemente had 83 career stolen bases.
Roberto Clemente threw out 269 runners in his 18-year career.
he is 9.5
Roberto Clemente hit 240 home runs during his career from 1955 to 1972.
In MLB, 7 ... 2 in 1968 and 1 in 1956, 1958, 1959, 1966, and 1971.
1,305 RBI's in his career.
Roberto Clemente had 240 career home runs.
Roberto Clemente played 2433 games from 1955 to 1972.
2154 in his MLB career.
4, Luis, Oswaldo, Matino, and Luis
Roberto (Bob) ClementeYes. Most of his cards after 1957 through 1969 read Bob Clemente. Most likely this was done to shorten his name so it would fit into the design of the card.