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because the leaf doesnot contain starch in it

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Q: Rahul picked up a dry leaf from the school garden and try doing iodine test he observed that the colour of iodine did not turn blue or black can you explain why?
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What colour changes where observed with each food tested with iodine?

It change from orange/brown colour to blue/black if starch is present

Why does glycogen gives red colour with iodine?

Glycogen gives a red color with iodine due to the formation of a complex between iodine and the helical structure of glycogen. This complex results in a shift in the absorption spectrum of iodine, leading to the red color observed.

Why amylodextrin gives blue colour with iodine?

Amylodextrin gives a blue color with iodine because the presence of iodine causes a complex to form between the iodine molecules and the glucose units in amylodextrin. This complex is known as a starch-iodine complex, and it reflects blue light, resulting in the blue color observed.

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What colour is the iodine in the bottle?

The color of iodine in the bottle is typically purple or brown.

Add a drop of iodine to both a distilled water test tube and to the test tube containing the starch solution in the test tube What do you observe?

Adding iodine to distilled water will not result in any observable reaction, as iodine does not react with water. However, adding iodine to the starch solution will turn the solution blue-black, indicating the presence of starch through the formation of a starch-iodine complex.

What is the initial colour of an iodine solution?

The initial color of an iodine solution is yellow-brown.

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Why does Iodine test gives blue color with starch but red with glycogen?

Iodine test forms a complex with both starch and glycogen, resulting in a color change. This complex is responsible for the blue color observed with starch. However, glycogen has a more branched structure than starch, causing a different interaction with iodine that leads to a red color instead of blue.

What does stand l for on the periodic table?

I stands for iodine. It is placed in group-17.

What color is starch with iodine solution?

it is a yellowish/orange colour but when iodine is present, than it will turn an dark-blue/black colour

Why is rice brown in colour when iodine solution is put on it?

cause iodine(brown) stains the rice