the silver fern netball team from nz
maria Tutaia
Her first name is Cassey Williams
Silver Fern, also the name of their netball team
Irene Van dyk as she is the best GS in the world
yes No, the silver fern can not be a tree fern. Cythea and Alsophila are tree ferns
The silver fern, Cyatheaceae dealbata (Ponga or Kaponga).
the silver fern or ponga live in new zealand shane
The silver fern may grow to over 30 feet in height and has a dense crown of fronds at the top. The tree's trunk has brown scales with small, fine hairs.Read more [related links]
Captain John Fern
The silver fern can grow to more than 30 feet tall.
The Maori name for the silver fern is "ponga" or "ponga silver fern." It is a significant symbol in Maori culture and is commonly seen in New Zealand's art and design.