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Q: Names of the employees working at tcs chennai?
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Related questions

What is the number of employees in tcs?

202,039 employees in tcs (01 2011)

Total no of employees in tcs?

Around 200000

Where is 20 branches of tcs are located in chennai?


What is the rank of TCS in India in IT companies ranking?

TCS is the biggest IT company in India in terms of revenue, profit and no. of employees.

Why the tcs on my saab 95 year 2000 is not working?

The tcs on your saab 95 year 2000 is not working because it is faulty.

What does it mean when the TCS light in a 2002 Acura flashes on when you are about to move?

That your vehicle is losing traction and your Traction Control System (TCS) is working to prevent that.

What are the technologies used in tata consultancy services at ignite chennai?

the technologies used by tcs are c,java,j2ee so many like tat.

Which is largest software company by employee strength?

It is IBM in world( 4,00,004 employees ), as on 2009. In India, it is TCS( 1,48,000 employees ), as on 1 April 2009.

Ece companies in chennai giving final year project for students?

There are many companies that students can choose from for the ECE final year project. These companies include HCL, TCS, and CSC.

Names of indian mncs?

TCS, wipro, HCL, Mahindra Satyam, Infosys, aditya brila group etc

Where is the TCS headquarters?

TCS headquartered at Mumbai

Best gulf jobs consultancy in chennai?

I am Uma & presently working for TCS. I have 6+ years of experience in Credit/debit cards & presently in Home loans collections Bankruptcy dept. My husband is working in Qatar (doha). I want to join him there, can you please kindly check for any job opportunity there. If you let me know your email id i will send my resume. My email id is Awaiting for your response as early as possible. Thanks Uma.R