Helping the lowest levels of the GAA in terms of the clubs and their facilities. This is the base of the GAA. The network of clubs, over 2500 in Ireland alone, are where the GAA derives its strength. It is built on the clubs. They are the root of the organisation. The ordinary people that run these are what make the GAA what it is, so it is important to support them. So a lot of investment goes into the clubs to help them as they are the grassroots of the GAA. Without the clubs the GAA would not exist, so money earned within the GAA is needed to keep them going.
The GAA can be found where large groups of Irish people live. Ireland has over 2500 clubs. England, the USA, Australia, parts of Asia and Europe also have clubs and run their own competitions.
No. GAA clubs welcome all members of any nationality. The GAA is an Irish organisation and it is found around the world where there are large groups of Irish people, so members are mostly Irish, but there are many members that are not from Ireland.
It will depend on the club. For GAA clubs, teams can be very young so children can join from a very young age if there are teams or activities for them to join. The GAA actively encourages children to join their clubs.
Metropolitans is said to be the first club founded, but it is no longer in existence. The oldest existing clubs are Round Towers in Clondalkin, founded in December 1884 and Faughs, now in Templeogue, founded at Easter in 1885.
There are 2319 clubs in Ireland. All of these would be very different in size. So it is very difficult to know for sure as to how many actual members there are. Total membership would run into hundreds of thousands of people. In addition there would be many people who would follow the sport and attend matches but not be a member of a club.
The GAA was founded in November 1884, so clubs were being founded by early 1885 all around the country, including Cork.
Rathmore, Gneeveguilla, Killcummin, and Glenflesk.
Anywhere there is an Irish community there are possibly some GAA clubs. If you check the North American GAA website, then you may get more information for your area.
Every county and club that are part of the GAA have their own colours. Many colours in different arrangements are used for the shirts of the clubs and on their flags. The GAA itself does not have any specific colours. It changes its image every so often. Its current logo is blue and white, but they would not really be said to be the GAA colours.
It is hard to give a definitive answer as it can change, but it is well over 100. Many clubs and regions have websites. See the links below for some useful links.