Baseball=Mets, Yankees Basketball=Knicks, Liberty Hockey= Rangers, Islanders Football= Giants, Jets Soccer=Magic, Metrostars
New York
New York is a state. Yankees is the name for the team. All sports teams have the beginning of the team name capitalized. It's a proper noun.
New York's professional baseball teams are : the Yankees and mets there football teams are : the jets and giants there hockey teams are : the rangers and the Islanders
baseball was huge during this time period. New York Yankees were well known then.
The New York Yankee
The New York Yankees are the most marketable team in sports history.
The largest sports market in America is the New York City metro area home to 2 NBA teams, 2 NFL teams and 2 NHL teams.
There are none. People from Vermont most likely root for either New York or Boston teams.
Shea Stadium (The New York Mets baseball teams stadium)
New York Knicks and LA Kings are two
Some sports teams with astronomy words in their names include the Houston Astros (MLB), New York Cosmos (soccer), and Tuscaloosa Stars (American football).
Tennessee Titans