A person can find images of Maple Leaf Gardens in Canada in several different places. Some of these places include Trip Advisor, Yelp, Toronto Life, and National Post.
The name of the Canadian flag is the "Maple Leaf Flag." It was adopted on February 15, 1965, replacing the previous Red Ensign flag. The flag features a red field with a white square in the center, containing a stylized, 11-pointed red maple leaf. The flag is a symbol of Canadian identity and unity.
You can find a maple leaf (as a symbol) on Canada's flag...
It is a maple leaf.
The maple leaf - is Canada's national symbol.
Maple tree = 椛 (momiji)
The leaf on the Canadian flag is a maple leaf. The reason why the maple leaf is used if because it represents nature and the environment which is an important part of Canada and Canadian history.
what venation is a maple leaf
== == The Red Maple leaf is similar to the Silver Maple leaf(which is a simple leaf), so I'd say that it's a simple leaf. it is a simple leaf
acer saccarinum