

Muscle used in tricep extension

Updated: 10/24/2022
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9y ago

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There are five muscles worked when doing a triceps extension. The main muscle is, obviously, the triceps. Secondary muscles that are worked are the deltoid, pectorals major, latissimus dorsi, and teres major.

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What class of lever is a lying tricep extension?

A lying tricep extension is a type of third-class lever exercise. The resistance (weight) is on one end (hand holding the weight), the force is in the middle (elbow joint), and the effort is on the opposite end (tricep muscle).

Is tricep the singular of triceps or is the muscle called triceps?

"Triceps" is singular. "Tricep" is not officially a word, although it it widely used.

What you mean by tricep?

The tricep is the muscle on the underside of the upper arm. The muscle on the upper side is the bicep.

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The tricep muscle is mainly responsible for the straightening of the arm. This means that the tricep muscles are voluntary, and will only move if we wish to move our arms.

What muscle is used to place arm behind the back?

i believe its the triceps

What type of muscle is the tricep muscle?

A skeletal muscle.

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What muscle relaxes and what muscle works?

I think what your after is called an antagonistic pair of muscles, for example the bicep and the tricep. When the bicep is contracting the tricep relaxes and when the tricep is contracting the bicep relaxes.

What muscle is in the upper arm?

There are two main ones, the tricep and the biscep. The tricep bicep is on the inside angle as defined by your elbow, the tricep is on the outside.

Which muscle is involved when you header the ball?

your tricep

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Are tricep and biceps partners?

bicep is the muscle on the front upper arm used to bend arm. Tricep is on the back of the upper arm, used to straighten arm, so, I guess they could be considered partners.