Chad Pennington attended Marshall College
Chad Pennington was born on June 26, 1976.
Chad Pennington was born on June 26, 1976.
Carson Palmer is younger than Chad Pennington and has been in the Pro Bowl. He is the 11best quarterback. He has more options. However the dolphins had a great season last year.Chad is a reason why. They also may be willing to throw the ball more. Chad is the 22 best quarterback He had 19 tds,7 interceptions,and 3,653 passing yards. He has a rating of 97.4. Carson Palmer last year had 3td,4 interceptions,and 731 pasting yards. A rating of 69.0. Chad also has had a better career. Chad is the better quarterback If your asking who to start start Chad.
Chad Pennington is 35 years old (birthdate: June 26, 1976).
Chad Pennington
Chad Pennington used to be it, but he was replaced by BANDIT!
CenterStage - 2002 Chad Pennington was released on: USA: 5 September 2007