Dennis J. Roberts died on 1994-06-30.
Dennis J. Roberts was born on 1903-04-08.
They were made by Dennis Roberts of the Optique Boutique in LA
The cast of I sandhedens tjeneste - 2010 includes: Dennis Haladyn Robert Hansen Nikolaj Lie Kaas Mads Mikkelsen as Henrik Qvortrup
The cast of Chance of a Lifetime - 1950 includes: Dennis James as Host (1952) John Reed King as Host Ken Roberts as Announcer
Elvis wore customized sunglasses made by Dennis Roberts. However, before he had customized sunglasses he wore; Ray-ban, Brownline, Bausch and Lomb, Teashades, and Polaroid.
his name is Dennis Mitchell
Dennis is the scion of the Mitchell family.
Dennis's last name is "Mitchell".
Dennis in Hawaiian is Denekฤ.
You use Dennis's when meaning, "belonging to Dennis." It's the possessive form of Dennis, which is a name.
Dennis Rodman was born on May 13, 1961