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When you serve the ball over the net to allow the game to begin, first (to do an over-head serve) you would "toss" the ball in the air to give your hand time to smack/hit the ball.

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Q: Meaning of toss in volleyball
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Related questions

What is the act of serving in volleyball?

Toss, Step, Hit.

How many choices are there after toss in volleyball matches?

You can play pepper

Does a volleyball game begin in a drop hit a hit a serve or a toss?

A serve.

Does a volleyball game start with a jump ball?

No.. Its a coin toss or however the ref wants to do it. Which ever team gets the toss, gets to serve first.

Who conducts the toss in volleyball?

The officials conduct the coin toss. One player from each team will represent their team in the coin tossing by choosing which side of the coin they want.

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Define the term Serve in volleyball?

When you start the round it is known as a serve. You toss it up in the air and hit it to the other team for them to hit it back to you

What are some Olympic volleyball teams?

By Olympic volleyball, you should be meaning beach volleyball. There is the Japan, Soviet Union, South Korea. Russia, Brazil, United States, and more than that.

Meaning of dead ball in volleyball?

A dead ball in volleyball is any ball that touches the floor or violates a rule, resulting in an end of the play.

What is meaning of finding a dead bird in front of your house?

It means you need to toss it in the garbage.

What is the meaning of scorer of the volleyball game?

it is the person who keeps scoring the points in a game

Does volleyball help you lose weight?

Like many physical sports Volleyball will help you lose weight but not very much.