There is not a definition for the phrase time art. Art however, can be considered timeless in a sense that the older the art is the more valuable it becomes.
what the meaning of conceputal art means is about the true meaning of art
example art in luzon with meaning
the meaning art of something
nature art
Well first of all we must ask does any kind of art have a meaning? In my opinion it relies on perception of the person. If you like African rock art then you can give it a meaning, something that you think it represents. I think African rock art represents what was important to society during that time which is hunting, the animals they live with, dance etc I hope that helped :P
Modern art.
art always has meaning.
it means the creation of art x
The specific art of the Sumerian civilization.
what is the meaning of function of art in your life?
The state of the art is the highest level of development, as of a device, technique, or scientific field, achieved at a particular time. It also applies to the level of development, reached at any particular time- Dinesh Saini(WebMaster)
art that's Islamic ya dooscher