To properly hang the Canadian Maple Leaf flag, ensure the red maple leaf is centered and upright, with the red bars on each side. When displayed vertically, rotate the flag so the leaf points up, with red bars on the left and right. Outdoors on a flagpole, raise it briskly and lower it slowly; it should be flown from sunrise to sunset unless it’s illuminated at night. When placed with other flags, the Maple Leaf flag should be at the same height or higher and given a position of honor, such as in the center if displayed with multiple flags.
The leaf on the Canadian flag is a maple leaf. The reason why the maple leaf is used if because it represents nature and the environment which is an important part of Canada and Canadian history.
The leaf on the Canadian flag is a maple leaf; specifically, a sugar maple leaf.
The name of the Canadian flag is the "Maple Leaf Flag." It was adopted on February 15, 1965, replacing the previous Red Ensign flag. The flag features a red field with a white square in the center, containing a stylized, 11-pointed red maple leaf. The flag is a symbol of Canadian identity and unity.
The Canada flag is the only flag with a maple leaf. Therefore, the flag is the only flag that has a maple leaf with 11 points on it.
The leaf on the Canadian flag - is a Maple leaf.
There is only 1 maple leaf on a canadian flag.
Canada, located in North America, has a maple leaf on its flag.
Jacques Saint-Cyr had the idea of having a maple leaf on the flag.
Jacques Saint-Cyr had the idea of putting the maple leaf on the flag.
The Canadian Flag has changed from St.George's Cross to a maple leaf. The Maple Leaf Flag was first flown in 1964 although this wasn't the first flag of Canada. Still The Maple Leaf has changed through the years, check out Wikipedia to find more answers
The maple leaf flag was not created until 1965. It was created by George Stanley. The flag in 1914 was the Red Ensign.
Yes, a maple leaf is part of the flag. See the Related Links section below for a link to a picture of it.