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1. Clear your mind If you want to be ready for that hit or pass, don't be distracted. 2. Get ready to move Did you coach ever yell at you, saying "You don't have nails in your shoes!"?Movement first, then think about where to hit the ball. 3. Know where to move You're in the big game, down by one point. The opposing team serves, and BAM!; you missed it. You don't want to mess up where you are going; know where to go.

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Q: List three things a person needs to do to be in ready position in volleyball?
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If a position becomes available between general elections due to someone resigning or dying, then their position needs to be filled by having a by-election.If a position becomes available between general elections due to someone resigning or dying, then their position needs to be filled by having a by-election.If a position becomes available between general elections due to someone resigning or dying, then their position needs to be filled by having a by-election.If a position becomes available between general elections due to someone resigning or dying, then their position needs to be filled by having a by-election.If a position becomes available between general elections due to someone resigning or dying, then their position needs to be filled by having a by-election.If a position becomes available between general elections due to someone resigning or dying, then their position needs to be filled by having a by-election.If a position becomes available between general elections due to someone resigning or dying, then their position needs to be filled by having a by-election.If a position becomes available between general elections due to someone resigning or dying, then their position needs to be filled by having a by-election.If a position becomes available between general elections due to someone resigning or dying, then their position needs to be filled by having a by-election.If a position becomes available between general elections due to someone resigning or dying, then their position needs to be filled by having a by-election.If a position becomes available between general elections due to someone resigning or dying, then their position needs to be filled by having a by-election.

How do you improve Interpersonal Communication?

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