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Q: Leaves on copper beech are drying up and curling all within the last week it is in a very large container 3 feet high in full sun zone 7 help?
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Use of Mayana leaves in making air freshener?

Mayana leaves can be used to make air fresheners by drying the leaves thoroughly and then crushing them to release their scent. The crushed leaves can be placed in a sachet or a container with small holes to allow the fragrance to fill the air. The natural oils in the Mayana leaves help to provide a pleasant and long-lasting aroma in indoor spaces.

Where can a Chi curling iron be bought?

If one goes to Kohl's or JCPenney's, one should be able to find a Chi curling iron to purchase. This type of curling iron is a professional curling iron which will help to keep hair from drying out when it is used. It will not remove the natural moisture from hair and will cause less stress on the hair when used on a daily basis.

Gray hair turning yellow with heat from curling iron and hair drying any suggestions?

Your curling iron and hair dryer are scorching your hair if it is turning yellow. Try using a lower heat setting on both.

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To keep eucalyptus leaves from drying out, you can place them in a vase with water. Change the water regularly to prevent stagnation and replenish the water to ensure the leaves stay hydrated. Additionally, you can mist the leaves with water to keep them fresh.

Why are the leaves on your spring cactus drying up even though it does get watered?

If it is indoors it may be drying out by being too close to a radiator.

How do you keep a turkey from drying out after it's cooked?

You seal it well with aluminum foil or in a storage container.

Variegated dogwood that I purchased a month ago and have not planted yet The leaves are turning brown and drying up. Is it getting enough or too much water or is it diseased?

the leaves are drying up because theres to much water

Why does your paper curl When printing?

Inkjet ink dampens paper fibers causing them to expand then contract on drying, causing curling. Laser printer ink won't do this.

Where do you put slime when not using it?

When not using slime, keep it in an airtight container or resealable bag to prevent it from drying out. Store the container in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight to prolong its shelf life.

What is left after evaporating copper sulfate?

After evaporating copper sulfate, you are left with solid copper sulfate crystals. These crystals can be collected and then used for further experiments or applications, such as in the preparation of other copper compounds or as a drying agent.

Should you cut they old drying up leaves off a marijuana plant?

Yes but you should also figuire out why the leaves are dying

Why does your hair turn red after curling iron use?

cause drying hair and ironing it in hairdresser is a bad action it make the hair ruf and become weak and light