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Q: Karl was playing soccer and collided head to head with another player in a very hard impact Afterward Karl was disoriented for a while and could not recall the moments prior to the collision?
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Police report said a COLLIDED to another car?

Collided also means "hit" or ran into. Collision occurs when two objects try to gain the same space at the same time ... this is physically impossible, so only one object wins.

If you live in Michigan and your car is damaged in an accident the other driver is ticketed you have no collision do you have to pay for damages to your car?

Yes, If you have no collision coverage and you collided with another vehicle, a brick wall, telephne pole or whatever, then you will need to fix your own car.

Does collision cover if someone hits you and doesn't leave their name?

It should, according to"Collision coverages typically cover damages to your car when your car hits, or is hit by, another vehicle, or other object. A hit and run that clearly shows another car or object collided with your vehicle should be covered under your collision coverages."

What is the difference between collided into and collided with?

"Collided into" implies one object moving and striking another object. "Collided with" suggests both objects moving and coming into contact with each other.

Who did earth once collide with?

We believe that the proto-Earth, very early in the formation of our solar system, probably collided with another planet, one that might have been as large as Mars. The collision probably entirely re-formed the resultant Earth, and that the heavy metallic cores of both planets merged. Debris blasted into space by the collision probably coalesced to form the Moon.

What is the giant impact theory?

The giant impact theory proposes that the Moon was formed from debris created when a Mars-sized body collided with Earth early in its history. This collision would have ejected material into space that eventually coalesced to form the Moon. This theory is supported by evidence from lunar samples and computer simulations.

What does a person do if they have collided with another vehicle?

After a vehicular collision, it is typical for the you to exchange insurance information with the other driver and to wait for police to arrive and possibly an ambulance if anyone is injured. Depending on what type (if any) car insurance you have, you may have a claim to file with your insurance company.

What is a sentence using the word collision?

I got into a collision in the hallway with another kid.

What do you mean by collision?

Collision is a coverage that usually applies when you "collide" with another vehicle.

What is collision automobile insurance?

Collision pays to have your car fixed if it is damaged in a collision with another vehicle. There is usually a deductible that you have to pay.

What is another name for accident?

a collision

What do you mean by collision coverage?

Collision is a coverage that usually applies when you "collide" with another vehicle.