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Q: John can only carry 3 bottles at a time What is the minimum number of trips John needs to make to the store?
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Apart from being a trick question, he would have to make 5 trips, four with 3 bottles and one trip with only 1 bottle.

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John needs 13 bottles of water from the store John can only carry 3 at a time What is the minimum number of trips John needs to make to the store?

5 times, as 4 1/2 would mean he got to the store and never came home or walked half way and then went home (either one resulting in him not having the last bottle of water). Thus, the minimum number of FULL trips he has to make is 5.

John needs 13 bottles of water from the store john can only carry 3 at a time What is the minium number of trips?

If John needs 13 bottles but can only carry 3, he would need to do five trips. On the first four trips he carries 3 bottles, after the 2nd trip he has brought in 6 total, 3rd trip 9 total, 4th trip 12 total. Since he needs 13 he has to get one more so the 5th he gets one bottle. He doesn't have to get 3 at a time just the max.

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If it up and down, he makes 10 trips... but, this question required answer is 5 trips.

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