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good question...while i don't know the answer here's my thoughts on the subject

tobacco was never a problem in the nfl and it isn't today, I'm a highschool football player and i chew tobacco but i would never chew during a game or practice. people don't understand that if you swallow even a little bit of your spit when you're chewing you will throw up big during a sport like football with the hitting and pile ups and gettin hit too many things happen where you could accidentally swallow just out of habit or because you got rocked and swallowed for some reason...its also difficult to spit of your helmet without gettin it on the its really not intelligent to dip (chew tobacco) and play...i also play Baseball and its different for that because half the time ur sitting around or standing in the field doing almost nothing its more relaxed and you have no helmet so that's why it became an issue with baseball

so to answer your question i highly doubt its banned because there's no reason to ban it because no players do it during a game at least

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Cigarette ads were banned in UK on August 1, 1965. Although there were still some commercials on loose tobacco and cigars until 1991. Also non television advertising were still allowed until 1986 when they became under stricter guidelines.

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YES i got banned :(

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Because smokers are treated like lepers and banned from social venues.

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It's been banned, hasn't it? They now leave Tobacco Control to promote their products - a lot cheaper and just as effective!

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Tens, maybe hundreds, of thousands of lucrative jobs in Tobacco Control would be lost. The profits of Tobacco Control's paymasters, Big Pharma, would plunge.

Was tabaco ever illegal?

No. Throughout the history of mankind, tobacco usage has never been banned as an aunlawful act.