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Q: Is there such a thing as offsetting pass interference calls in football?
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Can there be a pass interference behind the line of scrimmage in college football In the NFL there is no pass interference possible on passes that do not go past the line of scrimmage?

In the NFL, there is no such thing as pass interference (PI) on forward passes that do not go past the line scrimmage but I recently watched a college football game in which a PI was called on a forward that never reached the line of scrimmage even though I always believed that there is no such thing as PI if such pass was in the backfield (behind the line of scrimmage). So I am not clear on the rule concerning passes that do not cross the line of scrimmage, in college football.

When was That's the Thing About Football created?

That's the Thing About Football was created in 1994.

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It is both genders

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When somebody calls you a sort in slang, it means pretty, beautiful, stunning. It is a good thing.

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it is the best thing in the world

Is super bowl a place or a thing?

The Superbowl is a thing that is a championship football game.

What if your crush calls you on your birthday and you used to have a thing going on?

he still caress.

Who is the president of football?

There is no such thing as "president of football" but the head of the nfl, or the commissioner, is currently Roger Gooddell.