Soldier Field is the home of the Chicago Bears. It is important to the city of Chicago.
Soldier Field is the home of the Chicago Bears. It is important to the city of Chicago.
Soldier Field is located in Chicago, Illinois.
The address of Soldier Field in Chicago is 1410 Museum Campus Drive, Chicago, IL 60605. If one needed directions then one could find these on their website.
Tiss Tiss. It's Soldier Field, Chicago.
Soldier Field
Soldier Field (II)
Soldier Field 1410 South Museum Campus Dr Chicago, Illinois 60605
Located on Lake Shore Drive in Chicago, Illinois the stadium is named "Soldier Field" as a memorial to fallen American soldiers. Originally built in the mid 1920's it was based on Greco-Roman design but was remodled due to an increase in population and structural codes.
next to the muesem p.s - look on mapquest or chicago