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Umm...I believe it is air! If it were helium there would.....forget it, I'm not going there....

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 16y ago

Hardly ... NO!! Compressed air is all that is used.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

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βˆ™ 15y ago

They are filled with air

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βˆ™ 15y ago

No, just air.

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βˆ™ 15y ago


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Q: Is there helium inside the balls used for NFL kickoffs?
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Are different footballs used for kickoffs?

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What element is used inside balloons so they float?

Helium gas is most commonly used to fill balloons to make them float. Helium is lighter than air, which causes the balloon to rise and float.

What is reaction between He and K?

Close to impossible. Helium is about as inert as it gets. The only way there have been any reactions with carbon was to create miniscule geodesic spheres and force the helium atoms inside. These are commonly referred to as "bucky balls" after Buckminster Fuller who used geodesics in architecture, and more properly as buckminsterfullerene. I have never heard of any reaction at all with potassium.

Does a hot air balloon have helium inside it?

Hot air balloons do not use helium; they are typically filled with hot air. Helium is non-flammable and more commonly used in other types of balloons like weather balloons or party balloons. The hot air inside a hot air balloon is what allows it to rise and float.

What type of gas is used inside foil balloons?

Foil balloons are filled with helium. Helium is lighter than air and because of this, it is one of the gases that can make a balloon float. It's the preferred gas for these type of balloons because it isn't flammable and is inert, meaning undesired chemical reactions are rare.

What element is used inside balloons so it will float?

Helium gas is used inside balloons to make them float. Helium is lighter than air, so it creates a buoyant force that causes the balloon to rise in the atmosphere.

What gas inside a normal balloon?

Helium is the most common gas used to inflate balloons because it is lighter than air. This allows the balloon to float and rise when filled with helium.

What gas must the balloon contain?

Helium is commonly used to inflate balloons as it is lighter than air. This causes the balloon to rise as the helium inside is less dense than the surrounding air.

What are the giant inflatible balls that you gointo called?

Those giant inflatable balls that you can go inside are called zorbs or human hamster balls. They are typically used for fun activities like rolling down hills or across water.

How useful is helium?

How Helium is used: It is used to blow up balloons.

What are several ways in which helium is used?

mostly helium is used in balloons

Can helium be used for human health?

that can helium do to you