it takes away the fun for the hometown fans, who have been supporting the team for a long time.
Unless you consider "being awesome" something wrong, then no.
Only if you harass others.
it is nt wrng....nthin can b termed is allrit........but dont trouble the animal too much.....
Bandwagoner. If you follow a team that is suddenly winning and you say they are your favorite team, you jump on their bandwagon.
Not at all; If you love the person, Having sexual intercourse is showing them... you trust them(:
== Being gay .==
Let him understand that there is nothing wrong with being gay, and that there isn't anything he can do to change himself.
yes, everyone in the world has done at least 10 things wrong in their life ANSWER; Yes I did and were only human being and no one is perfect.
no being a Buddhist is not wrong if that is what you believe it is not wrong
Nothing is wrong with that
There is nothing wrong with being friends with your ex-boyfriend. In fact, that should make you really happy because he will love you even more ...
No, there is nothing wrong with having a butt chin. It does not mean there is anything physically or mentally wrong with you, it's normal.