A volleyball court is in the shape of a rectangle, with either side of the court (divided by the net) making a square.
A volleyball does not have any flexibility at all.
480 volleyball pass
Go to www.youtube.com and type in any type of volleyball video, or go to google, and search volleyball videos.
No, sorry.
Yes. Medals are awarded for men's and women's indoor volleyball and men's and women's beach volleyball.
Geometry was not founded by any one person. Ancient Egyptians have been used an early stage of geometry as well as the Greeks.
No, you are not allowed to serve with a fist in any level of volleyball.
Many. Volleyball can be very strenuous and increase body temperature.
Volleyball is competitive just like any other sport out there. Who doesn't love to get excited and win?
You may use any part of your body in volleyball, except when your serving. And remember: NO CARRYING!