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I don't know if it is an official rule but the umpires are always the ones that rub the balls down with the mud before the game.

CORRECT ANSWER...(07/02/2011 @ 9:58 PM CDT)

The answer listed above is incorrect. The balls come to the MLB already prepared with he special "mud." The company that provides them uses a very rare mud (which is obtained from an 'undisclosed' location - a well kept secret).

The only thing that happens "before" the game is the home team prepares the balls by storing them in a climate controlled room, with a very specific temperature and humidity setting.

The umpires themselves have no impact or involvement whatsoever in preparing the balls themselves, other than to provide the balls to the pitcher / catcher throughout the game.

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Q: Is there a rule that only baseball officials apply the mud to baseballs prior to a game?
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