There is not currently a player on the Patriots roster named Derrick
No. There is no player named Jerry Waters in the Patriots list of alumni or in the NFL Playerscurrent or historical database.
I can find no canonized named Derrick.
Derrick's cow is named Blue.
A derrick- a type of gallows named after Thomas Derrick, a British executioner.
NFL player Derrick Coleman played for UCLA.
A derrick- a type of gallows named after Thomas Derrick, a British executioner.
Safety Derrick Martin.
NBA player Derrick Williams played for Arizona.
NFL player Derrick Johnson played for Texas.
NFL player Derrick Shelby played for Utah.
NFL player Derrick Strozier played for Tulane.
The Patriots mascot is named Pat Patriot. Click on the 'Pat Patriot' link on this page to see a picture of 'him'.