

Best Answer

No unless a law firm decides to give you a pro bono lawer which is highly unlikely

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Q: Is there a free immigration lawyer will take a case for free?
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How do you get custody for an adult who has special needs in the state of Pennsylvania Would there be a way for me to get a free lawyer?

It's up to the lawyer if he wants to take your case for free.

How can I become an immigration lawyer?

You must read some immigration cases in the news so that you can get a way to become one immigration lawyer. That's an example of the proper way to start. However, the legal department of education with which you can take to menjdai an immigration lawyer.

How do free lawyer referral services work?

A free lawyer referral service refers potential clients to attorneys if the client does not know which lawyers to speak to and they have a case pending or awaiting trial. A free service of this kind will sit down with the client, interview them on their case, determine if it is a legal case, and then refer them to specific lawyers in their area who can take up the case.

Do I have to pay for my initial visit to a lawyer or attorney before he works on my case?

Normally, the first visit to an Attorney or Lawyer is a free consultation. If you decide to hire the Attorney and he agrees to take your case you will have to give him money at that time which is called a retainer.

What is it called when you have a lawyer take your case but he does not get paid unless you win?

consignment lawyer

Where can a person find an immigration lawyer?

AILA is the American Immigration Lawyers Association. It would be a very good place to start a search for an immigration lawyer as it has m=names of lawyers who practice in this field. AILA is the American Immigration Lawyers Association. It would be a very good place to start a search for an immigration lawyer as it has m=names of lawyers who practice in this field.

How do you sue the bureau of immigration citizenship?

You need to take an Immigration lawyer. But be careful. Most lawyers will charge you a lot of many and promise you magic's but at the end will have very poor results.

How do you file a legal case?

take it to court Answer You find a lawyer to represent you and he or she files the case.

i am looking for a lawyer to take my case about celebrex pfizer ?

I am to is it with neurotin

Where will becoming an immigration lawyer take you?

Our UK based Immigration lawyer US is qualified as a Solicitor in UK and an Attorney in United States hence the dual qualified experience makes it an advantage in understanding your circumstance in the UK and how you can emigrate to US without hassle regardless of limiting your search to

Who was Oliver Brown's lawyer in 1955?

Thurgood Marshall was the first lawyer to take Oliver's case to court, and they won.

What do lawyers do when they get a client?

They listen to the client's case and if they are up for it they will take the case but if the lawyer disagrees with the client, he/she will recommend some other lawyers to take care of the case.