the jt tac five is a horrible marker unless you are going out once every 2 months than it will do fine but if your looking for a cheep gun i recommend getting a carver 1 or a azodin chaos ( the two best sub 100$ guns you can get imo )
Around $50.
It depends on what marker you have, a marker like a 3.5 Excellerator, Tac-5 (any marker of the TAC-5 brand) or a similar marker like these, you can use HPA in.
It's a spyder clone. So youtube up some how-tos on spyder maintenance
It is the exact same velocity adjustment style as the Tippmann 98. One the side of the marker there will be a screw that goes into the gun. Get the hexagonal key that fits it and turn it in to decrease and out to increase. What this does is moves a screw physically in the way of the airflow of the shot, causing it to loose energy.
tac r71 ..... cheap expensive-rrr.... -> CYMA Ak-74 all metal
No. It is below even the standard for starter marker.
The Chey-Tac Intervention is very much a real firearm.
Tic Tac!
They both fire the .50 BMG cartridge- no difference.
Tac-tac was created in 1982.
chickens are stupid. they are good at eggs
Probably Home Depot. That place has alot of tools.