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Q: Is the nuggets from the west or the east?
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Is the nuggets from the west?


Is the Denver basketball team from the west?

Yes the denver Nuggets are in West

Is the space station moving east to west or west to east?

The International Space Station orbits the Earth from west to east. This means it travels in an easterly direction as it completes each orbit around the Earth.

Does fronts go from east to west or west to east?

west to east idiot

Does the moon move east to west or west to east?

It appears to move from the east to west.

Does the sun move east to west or west to east?

The sun appears to move from east to west due to the rotation of the Earth. In reality, the sun itself does not move across the sky, but the Earth's rotation causes it to appear as though the sun is moving across the sky.

Is there 16 directions i n a compass?

Going clockwise, the 16 directions are... North North North East North East East North East East East South East South East South South East South South South West South West West South West West West North West North West North North West ...and back to North again.

How many golden nuggets can you get in wild west?

as mnay as you want but if you have more than one and you spend one youll actually be spending all of the golden nuggets you have

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What is the difference between east and west coast?

The east coast is on the east and the west coast is on the west.

In which direction do even-numbered interstate roads run?

West to East or East to West

What are two names for the lines that run the east to west?

east and west hemisphere