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Q: Is the miracle grow commercial actor joe Montana?
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Is Joe Montana in a miracle grow commercial?

Yes, that is him.

Who is the actor in the miracle grow commercial?

The latest commercial featured actor Peter Strauss. James Whitmore did it for several years (1982 until 2002?)

Is joe Montana a spokesman for miracle grow plant food?


What is the song in the 2011 miracle grow expand n' grow commercial?

I woke up today by Port O'Brien

Who is the miracle grow commercial spokesperson?

The spokesperson for Miracle-Gro commercials is often the founder of the brand, Horace Hagedorn. Miracle-Gro commercials typically feature individuals who are passionate about gardening and horticulture.

Who is the boy that says why not grow in Bank of America commercial?

Daniel Smorgan was the actor in the Grow series of commercials for Bank of America, while Sam Schwarz was the voice actor for Daniel in the series.

Do daffodils grow well in Miracle Grow?

Yes, daffodils can grow very well in Miracle Grow. The Daffodils that are grown in Miracle Grow are much larger than others.

How do get your clone to grow when its stunted?

Miracle Grow

How can you grow your hair 1cm?

miracle grow.

Would chrysanthemums grow better in sand clay or miracle grow soil?

Chrysanthemums need well drained soil. So clay is not good. Sand or Miracle Grow as long as the Miracle Grow does not retain water.

Does miracle grow make migget grow?

Well, No

Is fertilome better than miracle gro?

Miracle Grow's best use, in my opinion, is as a houseplant fertilizer, and a transplant solution - especially the latter. But I'm not fond of it for general fertilizing chores- it has too much nitrogen for some things. Time release granular is a better way to go for most plants, and especially for vegetable gardens.