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Q: Is the mind control helmet real?
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Does the Mad Hatter have mind control?

The Mad Hatter in the original Alice in Wonderland books and movies is not capable of mind control. However, the super-villain in Batman, whose real name is Jervis Tetch, does have mind control abilities.

Is mind controlling real?

i say if you are supernatural but no you can pnly dp mond control on your self

Is there real gold in Notre Dame's football helmet?

Yes. There are real gold flecks in Notre Dame's current football helmet.

Why you cant control your mind?

You can control your mind because it is your mind you are the one who has control over your body and what you put in it. The mind is amazing in a human being and you obviously can control it

Can your bank teller control your mind?

No, your bank teller cannot control your mind. Nobody can control your mind.

What is man hatter real name?

The Mad Hatter's real name is Jervis Tetch in the Batman comics. He is a villain who is obsessed with hats and mind control.

What do you call when you can control someones mind?

You would call it "mind control".

How much is a real world 1 helmet worth?

Easily $100+

Can a six year old control your mind?

As far as I know, no human - whether that human is a six-year-old or otherwise - can control somebody else's mind.

Does the afterlife has the power to control the imagination of the mind?

Nothing has the power to control your mind. You are in control of your imagination, nothing else.

Do you know real space ships r made in a robitics factory out in space with the mind?

Gee I didn't know that. Thanks for letting everybody know. Where can I learn to control robits in space with my mind ?

Is mind control illegal in Canada?

Yes, mind control is against the laws of Canada.