Yes, according to Cubs TV color commentator Bob Brenley. He has talked about always removing the sqatchee 'button' from his caps when he was a catcher (before the age of catcher helmets) to avoid ever taking a 'foul ball off the squatchee'. I am not sure if squatchee is the way he spells it tho!
Squatcho (skwatch' oh) - n. The button at the top of a baseball cap. In short, a button.
The button on top of a hat is called a "top button" or a "crown button." It is a decorative feature that can also be functional in some hats.
it is called a cap ... a bottle cap that is ok ..l :)
The string on the tassel is actually a loop. The loop goes around and under the button on the top of the cap.
The top of a water bottle is called a cap
The button on a baseball cap is difficult to fix because of it's size and the location on the top of the cap. However, a button may be removed and another one placed in the location. A hat-shop may be able to replace this button for a small fee.
The top of a bottle is called the "bottle neck."
try pushing gently on the top corner of the gas cap door towards the front of the car
propeller cap
office button
If you mean the red button in the top right corner it is called close.
The hat Brad is wearing in the photo is not a Newsboy Cap. Per my research, the Newsboy cap is usually 8 stitched panels with a button at the top. As you can see the cap pictured has neither. As it turns out, the cap is called an Ivy Cap. I found this exact cap as pictured at for 15.95 (a very good price) with high quality wool and it is imported. The cap with 8 stitched panels with a button at the top is a Baker boy.