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The anterior forearm muscle does not actually exist. Instead, there are a total of eight different muscles with the anterior compartment of the forearm. Their jobs are specifically related to flexion and pronation, or inward rotation of the hand.

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Q: Is the anterior forearm muscle responsible for wrist flexion or wrist extension?
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What kind of muscle not responsible for flexion or extension of the arm?

The supinator muscle is a muscle in the forearm that is not directly responsible for flexion or extension of the arm. Its primary function is to rotate the forearm in a movement called supination, where the palm faces up.

What is function of elbow?

Flexion and extension of the forearm.

What is the bending motion of the wrist called?

The bending motion of the wrist is called flexion and extension. Flexion involves moving the palm of the hand closer to the forearm, while extension involves moving the palm of the hand away from the forearm.

What is the main action the bicep performs?

To rotate the forearm (supination), and for flexion and extension of the elbow.

What movement does your elbow make by bending?

When you bend your elbow, it makes a flexion movement, bringing your hand towards your shoulder.

Prime mover for shoulder flexion?

The prime mover for shoulder flexion is the anterior deltoid muscle. This muscle is responsible for lifting the arm forward and upward at the shoulder joint.

What muscle is the antagonist during extension of forearm?

The flexor carpi radialis is the agonist muscle in wrist flexion. This muscle, know as a wrist flexor, is located in the forearm.

What are the actions of the bicep?

Elbow flexion, shoulder flexion and supination of the forearm.

What does flexion of the elbow cause to angle of the joint?

Flexion causes the angle of the elbow to decrease because you are moving your forearm closer to your bisep therefore the angle decreses. Extension is making the angle bigger for example, straightening you arm, you are extending your arm so that is where the term comes from

What is The muscle responsible for extension of the forearm?

Extension of the forearm at the elbow joint is achieved almost entirely by the triceps brachii but extension of the arm, which actually takes place at the shoulder joint, is achieved by muscles on the back, such as the latissimus dorsi.

What are 3 actions of the biceps muscle?

Elbow flexion, shoulder flexion and supination of the forearm.

Can wrist do medial flexion?

The wrist cannot perform medial flexion. The anatomical movements of the wrist mainly involve flexion, extension, abduction, and adduction. Medial flexion, also known as ulnar deviation, occurs at the wrist joint and involves moving the hand towards the little finger side of the forearm.