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Q: Is the Milwaukee Brewers game today televised in minnesota?
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What is the Milwaukee Brewers record as of today?

The Milwaukee Brewers win lose record as of today is 13-9

Is the Milwaukee Brewers game today televised?

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What fiery Texan 21 years ago today won his 300Th game?

On July 30, 1990, Nolan Ryan of the Texas Rangers earned his 300th career victory with a win over the Milwaukee Brewers.

What team plays Chicago Bulls today?

Today, March 26, 2011, the Chicago Bulls are not at home and they are at Milwaukee playing the Milwaukee Bucks.

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Today , 1/19/11 but I dont know what time it starts...

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C-Span says it will televise his speech at 8:30pm tonight.

What is the global communication?

The most broadly based global communication today is probably either the televised news media or e-mail.

What time will the moon rise in Minnesota today?

Watch and see

Is there a good counseling service in Milwaukee, Wisconsin that can help me payoff my debt?

Psychology Today is a good counselling services in Milwaukee, Wisconsin that can help you payoff your debt.

Has Barack Obama ever appeared on television?

Yes- many times. In fact he had a televised press conference today (3/3/2011).

What is the common global communication?

The most broadly based global communication today is probably either the televised news media or e-mail.