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The 2009 Demarini Vendetta is a composite bat. They were going to make all composite bats for 2011 Illegal but they didn't fallow through with the rule. This bat is legal to use in 2011 but in 2012 it may be illegal because it's a composite bat.

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14y ago

no it is not a composite bat by the way little league banned composite bats internationally

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Q: Is the Demarini Voodoo Bat a composite bat?
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Is the demarini voodoo black composite or aluminum?

It has a composite handle with an aluminum barrel

Is the demarini voodoo a good bat?


Is the demarini creature a good bat?

worse demarini bat ever the vexxum and voodoo will kill it any day

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What is the difference between the DeMarini Voodoo and Vexxum Bats?

Demarini CF3- All Composite, takes a little while longer to break in, and its more "end-loaded" which is what a lot of the bigger hitters prefer. Demarini Voodoo- This bat is half composite, takes very little time to break in, its more balanced than end-loaded, but a lot say that it performs very well.

Which baseball bat is better Demarini Vendetta or the Demarini Voodoo?

it is spelled vooda and it is better its not spelled vooda tard its voodo and yes the voodo is better

Is the demarini vendetta baseball bat composite?

no they arent composite but they will be outlawed in high school with the composites because of the square handle

What is the best youth baseball bat 2010?

Look for new Demarini models. Voodoo's, Vexxum's, and Vendetta's will all be nice depending on the hitter. The most important thing is confidence with a bat!

Is the -3 Demarini Voodoo Black bat legal for the 2010-2011 high school season?

Yes, as long as it has the BESR stamp on it.

How much is a demarini bat?

The price of a Demarini bat varies by the type and barrel size. The average Demarini bat probalbly costs around $200-250.

Which is a better softball bat an Easton Stealth Speed or a Demarini Cf4?

the better bat would definitely be the easton stealth. the demarini cf4 is a good bat too but if the bat is hit on the wrong part of the bat, the ball will not go like it does on the easton. the stealth has a massive sweet spot/barrel and also has a lot more pop than the demarini.

What baseball bat brands make a -5 bat?

DeMarini brand makes a youth baseball bat that is -5 size.