Soccer is one of the most dangerous sport. Many players died with heart condition during a game. Some get crushed bones(not often), but many times they get muscle injuries. Soccer is a contact sport between players who does't got almost any protection.
An American football player with a broken leg is lucky - compared to a teammate who broke his neck.
Lastly, there may be more injuries per "participant hour" in soccer than in, say, Formula 1 racing, but when someone driving, say, a Williams F1 rocket blasts through a turn and bottoms out - like Ayrton Senna did - that person can end up with a piece of the front suspension punched through their helmet and through their skull. No one in soccer ever had anything even remotely like that happen to them. And they really don't risk anything like that, either.
Soccer or to the rest of the world football
According to many other websites it is the most competitive foot sport and 6th most dangerous sport
The world most popular sport is soccer and cricket.
Soccer is by far the most popular sport in the world.
Soccer is the most popular sport in Chile and in most of the World.
The most popular sport in the world is soccer.
Soccer is known to be the most popular and most played sport in the world. Thus, it is safe to assume that it is the best sport in the world.
soccer is the most richest sport.
Soccer is the #1 sport in the world :)
soccer because it is the worlds sport and razzia is awsome