Cheer leading trust me. It's way more fun I had the same problem and cheer leading is the best choice. And I got in better shape and lost more weight believe it or not
I need to get more strength and be more stronger.
Soccer. Continuously exercising every muscle in your body (soccer) is a more effective way of building muscle mass than sporadically exercising a few muscles in shorter intense bursts (cheer).
Basketball is more expensive and soccer has more budget, the NBA is in a lockout right now due to budget impacts
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As many as you can get. The more people you have the more stunt groups you can have and the more points you can score.
Any ages can be cheerleaders from 3-100 there are a lot of different cheer leading teams, some are open, some are school teams. Cheer leading isn't just a "give me a A" and all that stuff. Cheer leading is so much more. It is so fun you cheer, you dance, you stunt and tumble when you are on great cheerleading teams.
Cheer leading IS a sport. Most people think it is for girly girls but it actually takes more skill than soccer does. A cheerleader need more coordination than any other sport they will play except for softball. A cheerleader needs to have coordination, strengh, flexibility, aerobics and SPIRIT So for everyone who says you are such a cheerleader you might want to take that back because cheer leading takes skill and its NOT JUST FOR GIRLS!!!!! Guys are known to be great cheerleaders!!!!! SIGN UP TODAY
for a routien u need straight lines so u get more points on compitishion
Yes, there are flyers...a.k.a. the girls that fly in the air doing tricks.
The purpose of a JAMfest is to promote dancing and cheer-leading competitions for children and adolescents. You can get more information about this at the JAMfest website.
New soccer boots are all different colours these days and are also getting more expensive everyday but it is worth it if you love playing soccer