Yes. Second and third base are considered scoring position because a runner should be able to score on a single to the outfield.
The "keystone" in baseball usually refers to second base. It's called such because it is important in scoring (since a runner on second is in "scoring position") and because it's a key defensive position.
two men on base, runners in scoring position second and first, second and third and especially on the corners third and first base
Second base is considered scoring position because any solid single should score that run. So, when a runner is on second and the team gets it's third out, it is often called "stranding a runner" but occasionally for flair someone might say they died at second, meaning they didn't score and the inning is over.
Second base
This position is called shortstop. They act as a cut-off form the outfield on plays that require a relay. They also usually take the throw from the catcher to second base to tag a runner stealing the base.
second base first base and outfeild
second base
short stop
Second base was the position he was playing.
Yes, petting above the waist is 2d base.
the second base
Pitcher, Catcher, SHortstop, SEcond Base, THird Base, First Base, Left Field, RIght Field, and Center FIeld