What actors and actresses appeared in Robot Boy - 2003?
The cast of Robot Boy - 2003 includes: Julius Cassin as Kid
Michjael Del Signore as Kid Matthew Del Signore as Kid Carl Dolente
as Kid Isabella Dolente as Kid Allie Florio as Kid Jim Gwathney as
Narrator Shane Harder as Boy in Driveway Julianne Herubin as Kid
Kelsey Ives as Kid Stephanie Kinkler as Kid Connor Laney as Kid
Greta Lubet Snukis as Newborn Robot Boy Terry Marsden as Nurse Paul
Mattio as Kid Meghan McCaffrey as Kid Kyle McCart as Boy Eating
Apple Melissa McCart as Girl in Pink Jacket Josh Meakim as Robot
Boy Mary Meehan Quinn as Kid Nicoletta Mellace as Kid Rachael
Meyers as Kid Tyler Patchen as Boy Who Steps on Plane Kaitlyn
Reading as Kid Adam Reinecker as Kid Mitchell Reinecker as Kid
Gabrielle Rosolia as Kid Jenna Sanchirico as Kid Dana Schwartz as
Kid Sara Weinstein as Kid
Is Charles Cornwall's kid astro a boy or girl?
A Boy.
Does kid rock have a kid?
yes he has two kids a boy and a girl
Who is the kid with the corn dog in the Uverse commercials?