You cant
they better not be a dying race or i will shank someone
Yes, it's best to use a pot you don't care about or you can use a disposable aluminum tray.
My personal opinion i say As I Lay Dying both play there instruments good but i say As I Lay Dying plays better as far as vocals go i would give that to BFMV but other than that As I Lay Dying is a better band in any way.
Im dying to find out the same thing.
From what I've heard, chalk dying is better than oil pastel dying because oil pastels will make a huge mess. This is what I've been told so I've never actually tried Oil pastels. I have tried chalk though and it works really well.
in the head or the chest but the head is a better chance of it dying
They say we better deal with it. If fish are dying it'll climb right up the food chain. To US.
it is a colourless, flammable, liquid mixture of hydrocarbons obtained by distilling petrol. It is used in cleaning and dying and as a motor fuel