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Q: Is niles elite cheer part of ycoa cheer?
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If you are looking to be very serious with cheer (traveling/competitive), all-star cheer is the way to go. Let me tell you though, it's not the cheapest option.I cheer with YCOA (Young Champions of America) and it is only $7 a week. I have practice once a week and competitions 3 times a year. YCOA is competitive, but only through their company/system. I have been cheering with YCOA for 7 years and have loved the great sportsmanship and attitudes. As you move up in levels though, it gets more competitive. YCOA also offers karate, soccer, hip-hop, and art masters. Although, YCOA is only offered in Arizona, Texas, California, Kansas, Missouri, Indiana, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, North Carolina, Washington, and Oregon(Select Locations in those states).NYS and Pop-Warner are some other great options, but I strongly recommend YCOA or All-Star Cheer.Hope I could help:)