yes carmelo Anthony and la la vasquez did have a was a boy!!! his name is kiyan. he was born in march 07'.. he weighted 5lbs 9ozs. he was 18 1/2long!!!
My Mom's Having a Baby was created in 1977.
The mom panda has the baby. The baby panda is alot smaller than the mom panda and the act differently.
* MOM is married * mom getss pregnat * mom gets a job as a teacer probably by having a baby.. probably by having a baby..
I am a Mom and my Baby loves me!
A mom is a baby producer
I don't have specific information about Amy's mom's baby.
they name the baby reenesme from Edwards mom and Bella's mom reene and Esme
if you touch the baby hamster's mom thinks they have a disease and eats the baby
no because when you have a baby your its mom or dad but if its your siblings baby then no
they are left on their own like the mom chicken leaves them
the mom has no riqhts she is illeqal. if she qets cauqht she will be sent back to wherever. but since the baby was born in the US they have citizen riqhts. the mom wants to take the baby with her,so what she neads to do
the mom does