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Of course it's possible, He is one of the best players in the world. However when symptoms persist like they have in Sid's case, a recurrence is more likely. The pens ownership has too much money invested in him to take any chances. I will say that he definitely is doing the right thing by taking his time, but it's hockey and part of me wants to say that he just needs to quit being such a pussy and accept the fact that he may never feel the way he did before the concussion(s).

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Q: Is it still possible for Sidney Crosby to come back and play or is it time for him to retire because of the concussions and post concussion syndrome that he has been dealing with for a yr now or what?
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What kind of permanent damage can a concussion cause?

If concussions aren't treated properly (such as going to the hospital). The person with the concussion can develop what's called second impact syndrome. It's called this because if they get hit on the head again, it can cause follow-up brain bruising. Which can cause permanent damage to the brain.

Can an old concussion cause bright vision months later?

A concussion is a mild form of traumatic braininjury (TBI) caused by a bump, blow, or jolt to thehead. Concussions can also occur from a fall or ablow to the body that causes the head to moverapidly back and forth. Doctors may describe theseinjuries as "mild" because concussions are usuallynot life-threatening. Even so, their effects can beserious. Understanding the signs and symptoms ofa concussion can help you get better more quickly.

Can you get a concussion from a poke in the eye?

Yes I'f that finger pushes the eye really far it can hit the quetral which if its Barely touched it can get hit with the eye and cause a concussion and when people get concussions from getting hit in the head that's because there's also a quetral in the brain and it's the same thing

How can concussion kill you?

If it is not treated, recognized, and/or severe, then yes, it is possible. It can kill you because, basically, it's a form of brain damage. If your concussion is very severe, and hits the right place, then it is possible that your vital functions will be compromised. Also, it is possible that if you are unconscious directly following a concussion, then you can slip into a coma. Hope this helped!

Is it possible for an individual with Down syndrome to have offspring without it?

No, because people with Down syndrome can't have children.

How do i know if my hamster has a concussion?

In general veterinarians don't diagnose concussions in dogs unless there is evidence of either soft tissue or bony damage to the skull. This is because the common symptoms of concussions include blurred vision, slurred or disjointed speech, nausea, headache and other self-reported symptoms that dogs simply can't convey to a veterinarian. However, some signs of a concussion could be dissimilar pupil size (one larger, one smaller), delayed or absent response to normal stimuli such as the puppy's name being called, difficulty walking and obvious cranial trauma.

What is conncussoin?

A concussion is a head injury in which the brain is shaken up to the extent that it bangs against the side of the skull. The most common symptoms are headache, nausea, vomiting, and loss of balance or coordination. Concussions are complicated, because, like any brain injury, there's a plethora of neurological symptoms people could experience. Some people even experience post traumatic seizures, though these are rare. There's a common misconception that it's vital to keep someone with a possible concussion awake, but this is untrue. You should let them sleep, the body repairs itself best that way.

What are the possible genotypes of the parents for marfan syndrome?

Well, if you're asking what are the possible genotype of parents affected, they could be either:MM or Mm because the syndrome is autosomal dominantIf either parent is affected, then the children are at least at a risk of 50% because of the dominance of the allele.

How bad are head injuries in sports?

Head injuries, specifically concussions, are probably the worst possible injuries suffered in sports because of the lingering as well as long term effects. In football specifically, many retired players are now suing the NFL over head injuries suffered back in the 80s and 90s when concussion protocol was taken much less seriously. These retired players nowadays may have long term bruising or swelling of the brain. One concussion will not cause these long term effects but multiple ones will. Head injuries should be taken very seriously and treated appropriately.

How is it possible for two people with down syndrome to produce a normal healthy child?

no because since they both have down syndrome, they will have 100 percent that they will have a down syndrome baby

Can you take Tylenol cold multi-symptom after a concussion?

Yes... Neither Tylenol or Tylenol PM would lead to further bleeding (aspirin and ibuprofen are blood thinners and could cause further injury). But if you think you have a concussion, you should seek immediate medical attention because even minor concussions, if left untreated, can cause serious brain injury and may lead to death.