its fine as long as you don't wear body armour, it will restrict the babies movement and cause autism.
preferably go topless with a target on your belly.
is it safe to drink tiger malt while pregnant
Yes you can but you will have to take it to a Paintball veils or wholesaler to make sure it is safe and legal to use while playing
It is safe to eat the pearl meat when pregnant.
Yes it is safe.
Paintball gear is what keeps you safe in paintball. The mask is the only truly crucial piece you need to play paintball (meaning you can walk onto a field without a gun, or tank or paint).
No, do not expose your paintball gun to water.
Yes. It is safe in pregnancy.
i am 5mnths pregnant is salbutamol/guiafenesin 2mg/100mg is safe for my baby?
It is actually safe to take milk thistle while you are pregnant.
NO! Absolutely not.