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It is, but i highley DO NOT reccomend it. Do not do any type of excersise for about 72 hours. If disobeyed, you can get a dry socket which is VERY PAINFUL. Best of luck on your recovery and always follow the directions the surgern gives you.

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yes but it will be hard to make those shots

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Q: Is it possible to play basketball after having wisdom teeth removed?
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What can't I eat after having wisdom teeth removed?

You can eat after having your wisdom teeth removed, but you should eat food that aren't crunchy, such as mashed potatoes, pudding, and milkshakes.

When will I make bowel movement after widom teeth removed?

Having wisdom teeth removed has no bearing on when you defecate.

Can you play a woodwind instrument after having your wisdom teeth removed?

Yes, of course.

Can you run after having wisdom teeth removed?

For a while ( few days) after your wisdom teeth are removed, it is advisable to do nothing that might disturb the blood clots that have formed in the tooth socket. That would include running or jumping.

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I am not sure and am having the same problem

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The swollen lymph node under your jaw could be from having your wisdom teeth removed two weeks ago. You should see the dentist again in case there is an infection.

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2 and 1/2 weeks

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How is it possible to have 6 wisdom teeth?

They are called "eights" ~ extra wisdom teeth, which is uncommon. I had 2 on my upper set which I had removed. Consider yourself "special"=) I also have two more wisdom teeth in upper part

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Yes, it is safe for you to get your ears pierced four days before having your wisdom teeth removed. You only need to remove jewelry during major surgeries.

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Some stitches are resolvable , it's just depended on what kind the dentist use. Also if the dentist use the other kind , yes you have to get them removed

What is a sentence you can use incomprehensibly in?

After having his wisdom teeth removed, James spoke incomprehensibly. The anesthesia had obviously not worn off yet.